heya guys, have been looking for leagues in central london to give me some practise over the summer. bit of trouble finding anything, anyone know of any of the leagues, or teams in london, that i could get in contact with. or got the links
heya guys, have been looking for leagues in central london to give me some practise over the summer. bit of trouble finding anything, anyone know of any of the leagues, or teams in london, that i could get in contact with. or got the links
How about Kentish Town?, Barking? or just Google London Pool Leagues and go from there.
Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out there. If you had known anything about the true nature of the game, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror
Here is a thought but there are several county pool teams in London that play Black ball and no doubt there are some EPA as well so look them up and if their websites are as good as ours they will have local pool league links on them.
I understand the bite from this kind of spider is quite deadly unless you are lucky enough to have an antidote with you.
Still will give you some great practice at escaping snookers because no need to hit cushions (Lewis and Ming's favourite rules), no diliberate or professional fouls allowed, 2 shots carry.
There in the dark ages from the mid 90's but have fun !
I understand the bite from this kind of spider is quite deadly unless you are lucky enough to have an antidote with you.
is a professional foul when i hit my ball first but pot an opponents ball, i.e. to gain control of a pocket when my opponent has multiple balls tied up. i know they were allowed in bapto, as a loss of frame foul was defined as not making an attempt to play your own ball first. know this is prob an old question, but is this kind of foul allowed to be deliberately played in the new black ball rules, the wording is all a bit confusing, or would the ref call it a loss of frame.
A "professional foul" is allowed as long as you hot your own ball first.
Care to explain how you "HOT" your own ball. I know its barbeque season but I somehow don't think sticking the cue on the barbeque before striking a ball will do it any good in the long run.
Is this some fancy new EPA rule that coming in ??????????
I understand the bite from this kind of spider is quite deadly unless you are lucky enough to have an antidote with you.