Doing the maths then 32 in paying £5 = £160 yet only £140 out is there some other prize money ?????????????? I would have thought with all the bar sales that A1 will make from 32 people on a SATURDAY night they would be able to offer a higher prize fund or some more prizes other than winner runner maybe a plate comp for the 16 first round losers perhaps.
I understand the bite from this kind of spider is quite deadly unless you are lucky enough to have an antidote with you.
steve could you put me and andrew in the competition
Sorry Mate, not going to A1, for a little while, Only 8 places left, so you better pop in soon. Sure it will be a good laugh, Even if i get knockout 1st round, I will be hanging around to take the PEE out of God.
If you guys want me to put ur names down i will. maybe you could give me the money on sunday at the AGM. If thats too early for you i shall be at colours most of the day because of the county singles.
You could even give the money to someone at the youth singles on saturday to pass on to me.
nathan beat adam 4-1 in the final was a good laugh tho
Great night, Unlucky Adam, 4-1 was harsh especally after the in off after a full ball snooker. when Adam swerved the white ball round a group off balls nearly full length of the table potted his ball and the white followed.
A couple of bad points for myself, Losing to God in a very tight 1st round match 2-1, Then spent a couple of £s getting well beaten by The Ling Meister General, late in the evening, Thanks Sean. but worst off all was a night full off Colzy music,