A few people have known that I have been struggling with a medical problem & during the last 3 years it as been getting worst, especially in the last 12 months. As from the summer I have been cutting out the amount of pool that I have been playing & that started with not playing Tuesdays & only playing a few games on a Thursday. I think before the rumours go around Oxfords pool scene & are linked back to myself, which there always seem to be some, that are not true, I should let people know that, as from the end of the Sunday & Monday seasons 2008-2009 I will not be playing any pool, so I will not be looking to get involved in anything to do with pool at any level. Im not putting this on the forum because I think I am someone, I just wanted to make sure, I wasnt linked to anything going on in the next 6 months & after, Also I wanted to say thanks to a few people & with people knowing, try & have some good nights in the New Year playing the 2nd half of the fixture lists.
I have mainly played at the Catherine Wheel during my time of playing league pool & the Monday team which I have been Capt of for the last 4 years have been some really good times, so thanks to those of you I have played with during this time, Mark Cooper, Kenny Saunders, Dave Lakeman, Paul Lakeman, Jaz Venning, Paul Chambers & Mark Harrison
Also a few times I have played for other teams, Cowley Community Club with some of the above & I also played for The George Botley, which was a great time & laugh with Jaz & her team Alex, James, Mark & Lee, then a few of us moved on to A1 as well & played with Max & Ben, Thanks for some good nights. Mark, James & Jaz also played some games with me for the Kite in the Tuesday league; I have also played with Peter, Andrew & Ben. Thanks.
I would also like to say thanks to Sheree Houseman, Ash and Emma Penny-Larter for the things you guys have help me with, in recent times.
It looks like 1 of my last competition games will be against LuckyLewis and the Pool Queen which is nice for me as they have been some of the top players for the men and ladies pool around Oxford during the time I have played pool. Also the last Monday league game will be against Berkshire House A at the Cath Wheel, Playing Ash Fletcher who I have had a great time helping with the Monday league as chairman for the last 3 seasons, Nicki Hoskins who helped me get a runners up trophy in the Sunday mix doubles comp last year & also Marcus Guise & John Kinsey who were great help to me during my time with the county. Thank you, for the time, effort & help you gave me. Especially the last 12 months, when times have been very difficult.
Thanks to every one whom I have played with, which there has been many & those who have given there time in helping me while playing pool. Good luck to every one in the future & I hope to have some good nights in the New Year. Steve Lakeman
Hi Steve it's a shame your leaving the pool scene you will be missed, however maybe not by Jez after the battering you gave him tonight, thanks for that .
Like I have always said health and well being has and should always comes first in life, some people forget this.
Thanks for being being their when i've needed help and advice.
lakeman hope you get well soon no matter what people says you a good man and a good mate hope to see you back soon maybe selsey who knows GOOD LUCK MATE