The Oxfordshire County Pool Federation will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Sunday 15th March 2009 at Rileys Snooker Club, Between Towns Road, Oxford. The meeting will commence at 9.30am.
The following Committee positions are up for election/re-election
County Manager Ladies Team Manager Youth Team Manager
The following details are a summary of the duties* of said posts
·Chair meetings, or appoint a chair for meetings
·Oversee the general running of the OCPF
·Provide a chairmans report at all general meetings
·Minute all OCPF committee meetings and distribute those minutes to the OCPF Committee members.
·Minute all general meetings and distribute those minutes to OCPF Committee members and CountyManagers (whose responsibility it is to pass on the information to their members)
·Provide a secretarys report at all general meetings
·Keep clear, proper and accurate accounts of the OCPF
·Make those accounts available
·Provide a treasurers report at all general meetings
·To liaise with Team Managers to ensure all players are provided with a County Shirt
·Arrange payments and procurement for all OCPF business
County Manager
·As per Team Manager responsibilities and
·Be point of contact for other County Managers
·Ensure all players are registered with EBPF at start of season
·Organise National Finals (Caravans, Money, Singles, Travel)
·Ensure Smooth day to day running of the organisation as a whole
Team Managers
·To collate personal information; names, addresses etc regarding players within their squads and forwarding said information to the Secretary and Treasurer of the OCPF
·To select and organise the various teams to participate in Inter-CountyChampionship matches, contacting players where necessary.
·To confer with other managers in the arrangement of transport to away matches
·To assist in the running of County Trials
·Represent their squad players views at meetings
·Act in an unbiased manner in respect of all his/her responsibilities
*This is not an exhaustive list of the members duties and responsibilities.
Anyone, including the incumbent holder, wishing to stand for any of the aforementioned positions should contact the OCPF Secretary prior to the nomination closing date: midnight on Sunday 8th March 2009.
If no nominations are received for positions up for re-election and the incumbent holder is standing for re-election, or where only one nomination is received, said person will be automatically elected/re-elected. Where two or more candidates are standing, an election for said position will take place at the AGM.
Where no nominations are received by the close of nominations date, then the position will become vacant prior to the AGM and nominations for the vacant positions will be accepted up to 5 minutes prior to the AGM.
The names of candidates will be posted on the web by Tuesday 10th March 2009.
Motions for consideration at AGM
Any current OCPF member may propose a motion for consideration at the AGM. The motion must be received by the Secretary before midnight on Sunday 8th March. Motions should be in writing/email and contain a proposer and seconded by another member. The current committee may at their discretion permit late received motions.
Motions will also be posted on the forum by 10th March
-- Edited by MING at 00:22, 2009-03-03
Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out there. If you had known anything about the true nature of the game, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror
The closing date for all nominations for committee positions and motions to be proposed at the forthcoming AGM has passed. The following positions have been retained by the incumbent or filled by the only candidate who stood;
Chairman (Ben Scott) Secretary (Jaz Venning) Treasurer (Keith Hollis) Ladies Team Manager (Shelley White) Youth Team Manager (Tim Crysell)
County Manager (vacant) This position will become vacant at the AGM. Nominations for this position will be accepted up to 5 minutes prior to the start of the AGM
The following details motion has been proposed for consideration at the AGM;
Proposer: Nicki Hoskins Seconder: Shelley White
to remove from the constitution the stipulation that players playing for Oxfordshire should live in Oxfordshire or play 50% of matches for an Oxfordshire League team in the preceding season.
Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out there. If you had known anything about the true nature of the game, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror