One of the great legends of the game, Keith Brewer, will be in our area on Saturday May 21st. He is looking for a venue to do one of his excellent exhibitions on that night. He normally charges £400 for this but as he will be here anyway, he'll do it for as little as £150, though venues may want to bid for this if more than one are interested.
His exhibition includes - a pool lottery - where he plays 20 players one frame each using numbered reds and yellow balls (1-7). If you win you're pretty much guantanteed a free lottery ticket. Then the ones with the lowest numbered balls left qualify for a ticket. Top 10 get a ticket so you'll need to pot your highest numbered balls. You get the choice of whether you want to break or not.
The lottery is he then gets someone (not involved) to rack up 21 balls (7 reds, 7 yellows and 7 blues) all numbered 1-7 randomly. On your lottery ticket you'll need to circle 6 numbers of the 21. He'll break and pot the 6 easiest balls then a bonus ball. If you match all 6 you win a Vauxhall Corsa, match 5 plus bonus ball and you win a weekend holiday for 2 to Paris with spending money. Match 5 and you win a pool table. Venue can donate a prize (ie a case of beer) for 4 matching or highest number matched.
So come on all you pool players, talk to your venue and see who's interested.