We have, for a long time, required everyone who wants to post on the forum to be a member with a profile. Some members have chosen to remain 'anonymous' by not entering any personal details onto their profile.
To ensure that users are not offended by people who they don't know, I have attached a poll outlining some of the options. The poll will close on 2nd April 2007. The option with the most votes will be adopted. Details of the options are given below:
1) Keep it as it is now - All posters must have a profile, but this can contain as much or as little information as they like. It is up to the Admin and Moderators to remove offensive posts and bar those individuals who consistently hide behind their identity to make offensive/unconstructive comments or cause trouble.
2) Have a 'Introduction' thread on the forum - All posters must make a post within one week of registering which introduces themselves and gives information about who they are, or make this information visible on their profile. I could remind them of this obligation via PM and if they don't comply, they get barred.
3) Only approve members when their profile is entered - All registration requests are pending until I have had chance to approve their profile as containing enough information as to disclose their identity. This may prevent new users from posting for several days if I am unable to visit the forum.
The Pool Shark wrote: We have, for a long time, required everyone who wants to post on the forum to be a member with a profile. Some members have chosen to remain 'anonymous' by not entering any personal details onto their profile.
To ensure that users are not offended by people who they don't know, I have attached a poll outlining some of the options. The poll will close on 2nd April 2007. The option with the most votes will be adopted. Details of the options are given below:
1) Keep it as it is now - All posters must have a profile, but this can contain as much or as little information as they like. It is up to the Admin and Moderators to remove offensive posts and bar those individuals who consistently hide behind their identity to make offensive/unconstructive comments or cause trouble.
2) Have a 'Introduction' thread on the forum - All new members must make a post within one week of registering which introduces themselves and gives information about who they are, or make this information visible on their profile. I could remind them of this obligation via PM and if they don't comply, they get barred.
3) Only approve members when their profile is entered - All registration requests are pending until I have had chance to approve their profile as containing enough information as to disclose their identity. This may prevent new users from posting for several days if I am unable to visit the forum.
Only 9 votes! Still, the result of the poll is that all users who intend to post on the forum must now enter their full name on their profile (or make it very clear what it is), or post this information in the introduction thread.
Any users not complying will have their post deleted, a warning, and if they continue they will be barred.
I will try to enforce these rules as far as I can, and encourage anybody who spots someone who is not complying to inform me via a PM.