Updates included:Monday night tables/ wins/results and comps. draws, Thursday night comps. draws, Sunday night comps. draws, and County Rankings and Tables update after Ladies match.
Why is the Thursday night league table updated so irregularly? If it's because you have to wait on Kevin, why don't you get the results sent directly to you so it can be updated weekly!, as it all looks bad on you!
The Thursday league (like all the others) gets updated whenever the Secretary (in this case, Kevin) sends me the stuff through. There's usually a day or so delay while I transfer the data.
I would have no problems with him sending stuff through more frequently, but (as a Secretary myself), it does take quite a long time to update league tables and most wins data from over 20 result cards a week (not to mention competition draws, and the County stuff he gets involved in), so it might be that he only gets fully up-to-date every couple of weeks.
Updating every two-three matches is not really good enough, the job of the fixtures secretary is to keep everyone informed on a regular match-by-match basis, so everyone knows where they are in any division, not just the Premier, which he updates after every match. If he can't cope, he shouldn't do it!
I think that's a little harsh, administration of any kind is a thankless task, I for one wouldn't want to do it?, that sadi, i do think the tables need to be updated more frequently!
If you fail to do either of the above, you are deducted a point, so what's the point in having to text within 24 hours of the match then having to wait upto four weeks before seeing an updated league table/Most wins.
Currently we have a good process to ensure that the league receive the results in a timely manner. What we need to do now is look at how this information can be updated on the internet in a more timely manner. This will be important towards the end of the season when people want to understand how the final tables are looking .
Although I appreciate that collating results etc is a thankless task, it is also something that they have committed to doing be taking the position on the committee.
Most of the delay involved are not from the secretary but from the captains of the teams who seem to find it hard to phone or text the results in quick enough
Update included: Monday tables and most wins, and Thursday tables and most wins (Kevin apologises for the lack of updates, this is due to problems with his PC, for this reason most wins are still not fully up-to-date).
In fact why not go the whole hog ... create a secure area for captains ... they log in and have several options. Submit results, receive up to date notifications of crap, submit querries direct to the relevent secretary and all that stuff.
The reason you haven't got updates is either because Kevin hasn't got your email address (send it to: ocpf@lineone.net) or you're one of the people who don't empty your Mailbox (delete the items in your deleted items folder as these count towards your mailbox quota) and the email is returned to Kevin un-posted. Also if one of your team get emailed updates, get them to print off the tables and other stuff, you may think that sounds obvious but you'll be surprised, uh doh!!!
Most Wins is only updated once the card has been received so they will always be a week behind
And finally, it is not economical for the league to send out paperwork every week hense you only get stuff once a month
Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out there. If you had known anything about the true nature of the game, anything at all, you would've hidden from it in terror
Tom - good news mate. They've updated the software for the forum, and I now have the option to sort the topics by the most recent replies! I've switched that option ON.
As for pool league results being submitted on-line. It's not a bad idea, and certainly one I would like to talk to you in more depth about JFK. My initial concern would be over the access to the internet by the captains though - many of them do not supply e-mail addresses or have any sort of internet experience.
I know the league has been updated on the internet, but can you amend the for/against/+- Difference in Division 2 as this is incorrect! Also, when is the result grid going to be updated? it was last done on the 4th February 2004, not updated as frequently as it should be.
Thanks for pointing out the mistake on the Thursday section 2 league table 'anonymous'. I must have messed up a 'cut and paste' job on the data from Kevin - i'll change it when the site next gets updated.
As for the Thursday results page - I'll email Kevin and ask that he sends me the results in his next update. If I get the info it goes on the site!
Update included: Monday & Thursday league most wins / results / tables, Tuesday league results and tables, Sunday Abingdon league tables, and Sunday Oxford competition draws.
Updates include:COUNTY Report from National Finals in Camber Sands, MONDAY League tables / results / most wins / comps. draws, THURSDAY League tables / most wins / comps. draws.