if you live around the Cowley area or are in the area from 12 noon on Friday 16th November to 12 am Saturday 17th November, it would be very nice if you could come to Rileys Bar Snooker and Pool club (located on Between Towns Road, just by Cowley Centre) for our weekend of Children in Need fundraising.
On Friday we will be offering:
- Junior knockouts on American and English pool (pay around £1 to enter the tournament and if you win you will take home a percentage of the pot money)
- "Killer pool" knockout, where the adults can come and have their go at the knockout, for only around £1 and you will also win a percentage of that pot.
And on the Saturday, we are offering;
- The 24 hour pool marathon, which will start with the organiser (myself) and the Assistant manager of Rileys, Robby Warrior. We will then go on playing for 24 hours, and anyone is welcome to come and play us, for around £1 a game.
- More knockout tournaments on American and English pool. Same things apply, enter for £1 and you may walk away with a percentage of the pot.
- Karaoke night, open to all, young and older. Pay a small amount and of course, sing away.
There will also be raffle tickets available to buy from the bar starting MONDAY 13th NOVEMBER, and the raffle will be drawn on Children In Need night, Saturday 17th November.
So why not come along and have a few fun games of pool, all the while helping out for a good cause?
I am the organiser, Vincenzo Scoglio, and it would be good to see you there!
Rileys Pool and Snooker Bar Between Towns Road Cowley Oxford OX4 3LZ Telephone: 01865 749147